EMDR Therapy for Personality Disorders with complex traumatization (in englischer Sprache)


Dolores Mosquera

Eintägige Fortbildung (Samstag 09.00 bis 17.00 Uhr) für Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten (sowie für Personen, die sich in der zweiten Hälfte der Weiterbildung zur Psychotherapeutin, zum Psychotherapeuten befinden), die mindestens ein EMDR-Einführungsseminar besucht haben.

Diese Fortbildung findet ausschliesslich online statt, sie wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.


Leitung der Fortbildung: Dolores Mosquera, psychologist and psychotherapist, A Coruña, Spain


Personality Disorders are usually challenging for clinicians. Clients with this diagnosis often present high-risk behaviors, difficulties in self-regulation, impulsivity, and severe interpersonal relationships issues. Some clients, especially those with Borderline Personality Disorder, also present self-harming behaviors, suicidal ideation, and a risk and/or history of suicide attempts. Others, such as Antisocial Personality Disorder clients, present poor impulse control and aggressive reactions, which can be frightening for themselves and others, including clinicians.

Given the challenges presented by personality disorders and the strong affect that EMDR reprocessing may mobilize in our clients, clinicians must be able to recognize countertransference issues. Understanding these problems and how to manage them is crucial to avoid getting stuck during EMDR processing. Clinicians working with Personality Disorders need to be very attentive to what gets triggered in themselves to be able to see beyond the defensive responses in both client and therapist.

This workshop aims to help the participant understand Personality Disorders from the Adaptive Information Processing model perspective. Case conceptualization and target selection based on the different presentations will be addressed.

Through the use of educational videos and lecture, we will highlight:

·  How to adapt EMDR treatment for this specific population
·  How to establish the connecting thread between the client's symptoms (including common difficulties in the therapeutic relationship) and their early childhood environments, characterized by a high rate of attachment disruptions and severe traumatic events.
·  How to identify and when to address the common defenses that come up during EMDR procedures.
·  How to continue processing within the window of tolerance.


1.  The relevance of the Adaptive Information Processing Model in Personality Disorders
a.     What is adaptive and what is not as a guide for case conceptualization

2. Phase 1 in Personality Disorders
a.     Distinctive features
b.     Potential problems

3. Phase 2 in Personality Disorders. An overwiew

4. Target selection and treatment plan

5. Phases 3-7 in Personality Disorders
a.     Distinctive features related to negative and positive cognitions
b.     Identifying defensive cognitions
c.      How to avoid chaotic and unproductive reprocessing sessions.
d.     Specific issues during VOC installation
e.     Case examples

Participants will be able to:
1. Describe the different types of Dysfunctional Stored Information to identify a variety of targets in this population.
2. Describe at least 5 defensive regulation strategies.
3. Describe at least 4 different problems that arise during Phases 3 to 7 of EMDR Therapy.
4. Describe the role of dysfunctional positive affect in Personality Disorders.
5. Describe at least 3 adapted EMDR procedures for Personality Disorders and complex trauma


Dolores Mosquera is a psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in severe and complex trauma, personality disorders, and dissociation. She is an accredited EMDR Europe Trainer and supervisor. Dolores is the director of the Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders (INTRA-TP) in A Coruña, Spain­—a 3-clinic private institution initially founded in 2000. She collaborates with two different gender violence programs, one focused on gender violence victims and the other on males with violent behavior towards their partners. She belongs to the Spanish National Network for the Assistance of Victims of Terrorism, and also collaborates with an organization aiding victims of emergencies, accidents, violent attacks, kidnapping and other traumatic incidents. She is a member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, a member of the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, and the co-editor of the European Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation´s Newsletter.


Unsere Fortbildungen sind von den für unser Fachgebiet relevanten Schweizer Fachgesellschaften im Rahmen ihrer Fortbildungsreglemente als Fortbildungen anerkannt.

Sie werden zudem für die deutschen KollegInnen von der Landespsychotherapeutenkammer Baden-Württemberg mit Fortbildungspunkten zertifiziert.

Kosten: CHF 300.- / für TeilnehmerInnen aus Euroland: EUR 250.- (incl. Seminarunterlagen)

Information und Anmeldung:

EMDR-Institut Schweiz
Steigstr. 26, 8200 Schaffhausen
Tel.: + 41 41 750 80 89

